What is DECAF (decaffeinated) coffee actually like?
I'm Aoki, and I'm roasting coffee on the banks of the Hirose River.
How are you all doing in the subtropical climate?
Well, have you ever heard of DECAF?
Caffeineless, that is, coffee with almost zero caffeine content.
Actually, I used to drink coffee without caffeine! I thought. (Before)
Somehow, I felt that way.
There was also an image that it doesn't look delicious.
I am like that,
The number of inquiries asking "Do you have DECAF coffee?"
Isn't there some delicious DECF? I've been looking for it for a long time.
Then I finally found it and was dealing with several types of DECAF.
You know, it's delicious.
The DECAF that I was dealing with was sold out, and I was at a loss as to what to do...! !
It's here! It's a nice looking DECAF~
This is a DECAF made from coffee from the Santa Catarina Plantation in Guatemala, which we already offer.
Properly made DECAF.
Even before you drink, your expectations will rise.
e? Of course, I tasted it with the privilege of being a roaster~
DECAF was as expected, no, more than expected.
I want to drink delicious DECAF! For those who think, it is highly recommended ♪